Become a member of the Central Florida Business Diversity Council! Make membership payment here!
Business Community Of Central Florida
Coronavirus Resources
The Coronavirus has had and will continue to have a significant impact on our lives. The CFBDC is dedicated to helping the community during these times. Pertinent information is listed under our Coronavirus tab in the menu bar.
Check out this article! Study Ranks Lakeland 7th Best City in the U.S. for Black Professionals
Our condolences to the family of Lester Oliver. His wife and family are in our prayers.
The Central FL Business Diversity Council is pleased to have you visit our Website. Our Executive Leadership Team is proud to establish and connect to a market that promotes our cultural heritage.
Join Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to advocate, educate, and facilitate on behalf of minority businesses and small businesses.
This year we ask that you join us and donate to the Central Florida Business Diversity Counsel. Your contribution will ensure that power is restored to our communities and our businesses are adequately prepared for a prosperous future.